
Entrepreneur Wives: Caring meets Daring


A few decades ago, there was a time when women meant to be in kitchens or doing the household chores, managing the home and kids and leading a properly balanced life with kids and family.
But, when we are talking about today’s women, they are on spree. They are going places.
Women are taking the world by them and ruling different sectors of business in a fascinating way possible.
Times have changed. The women which were found cooking a perfect dinner, appreciated and remembered for the taste they put into their foods are now appreciated for cracking business deals and strategizing perfect plots for a business empire to run.

The journey of evolution i.e. from Kitchens to Companies is amusing and trust me you have no idea about it. Entrepreneur wives are a perfect example of caring meets daring.
The point which I will be trying to make today won’t be based on the burning topics of Women Empowerment, but rather on the positive edge of how women have indulged and successfully molded themselves into the hush-and-bush of the Corporate world.
I will be writing about my experiences -why women are equally great at business.
While the world’s one-third of the women entrepreneurs are leading the world by leadership lessons and setting an example for the “Gen-next”, it’s very important to know that what makes this puzzling fact more explanatory.
Today, women occupy just 4% of CEO spots at Fortune 500 companies, and fewer than one in five corporate board seats is held by a woman.

Kitchen Queens turning into Management Gurus!

They are the best management gurus in the world: There is no argument to be made in this statement.
Because the best example of a management lies right inside our homes- MOTHERS.
No matter, what the situation is, she always comes up with the solution. She keeps the track record of each and every resource utilised in our home.
Groceries to Veggies- Women are a hardcore analyst. Management is incomplete without adding that personal touch to it. A woman is an epitome of love, empathy, and best problem solver.
Never underestimate the gut feeling or intuition of a woman.

Best at HR (House/human resource) management:

If she can manage a staff of 45 she can easily manage a family. If she can understand and manage 45 different minds then trust me family is an easy game to play.
Her vision is broad. She is an Ace recruiter, securing your family’s future would be a mere task for her. A woman knows the importance of love and care which a family must be nurtured under.

Dairy Bills to daily Bills:

Finances: A woman if can deal with the badass number of transactions in her company, can’t she cope up with a family finances? Don’t you think, it would be an understatement if we doubt a woman who deals with a thousand-dollar business?

A better emotional backbone:

A woman which confides both business and personal care is a great combination in itself. Sharing the best and worst experiences, leading her through your achievements and failure, she’ll always be at your back. She’ll always be the one to count on. She has seen both the sides of the coin, will be a better person to understand you rather than judging you.
Tweet: Entrepreneur Wives: Caring meets Daring http://bit.ly/2tPQdDf @engineerbabuinc

Wonder women in the business suit:

A solid workplace balance: A company cannot work until and unless it has got the balances right. If there is some or the other element missing or say too much or too less, it’s going to crumble down.
She is the one who manages the homely affairs, may it be sending kids to school, attending the kids’ annual day function.
And she can be that same badass persona who cracks the deals in the boardroom. She knows that very element that is required to balance these 2 totally different equations.
She’ll be able to add the coefficients in the exact number into her workplace and personal life equation.
Right from empowering teams, playing on the front foot, aligning and managing the roles both as-a-spouse and a businesswoman, keeping up with the expectations of both family and business requires a hell lot of patience, power, and guts.
And all these qualities make her no less than a real-life “Wonder Woman”.
Women can significantly contribute to any workforce: Women have the abilities to handle the critical aspects of any decisions in a workplace.
So, when she can handle a deal worth millions, dare not judge her poorly when it comes to handling a business empire as a whole. A woman’s intuition can drive that balance and lead a greater impact on local, national and global levels of economies. She has that perception required to sustain it.
Being the only female co-founder of my company Aditi Chaurasia is often encountered with this question in possibly every interview or talks that “Are you guys married?”.
Even I have been encountered with the same question on various occasions. So, basically marrying a woman businessman won’t shatter your male ego.
In fact, she’ll be the one who’ll understand both personal and professional aspects of your life.
She’ll not only encourage you to deal with your failure but will be happy to be a part of your journey.
Merely giving a talk and sharing views regarding women empowerment or debating topics like “Men and Women are equal” is not enough.
I have seen a number of guys giving such big-shot talks when in public but when it comes to a question of marrying one, he is shattered by the idea itself.
No wife in the world will ever judge you, no matter how good or bad you are in your life.
Because she has been under that hood and knows what it feels to be like under one.
Down the line, man must prefer marrying to a woman entrepreneur because she is both caring and daring in every sense possible.

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