Are you looking to hire dedicated developers for remote jobs? Whoa! You are on the right page.
Ask any start-up or any new-gen- entrepreneur the toughest part of his job is “Hiring a right remote candidate”!
Though, any organization whether doing online or offline business hire a remote worker. It is a cultural shift and every business is embracing this change. According to a study, the US spends $80,000 USD and Australia spends $70,000 AUD, and still unable to find accurate people who can complete the work with quality and perfection.
Companies that are making remote workforce
A report by Gallup stated that employees in the USA who regularly work remotely increased from 39% to 43% of the workforce between 2012 and 2016. If we dive deep into the study, it claimed that in 2016, 57 percent of employees working in computer/information systems spent some of their time working remotely.
Many successful businesses including GitHub, Buffer, Zapier, etc are running by fully-remote teams that launch chart-topper products and services which are built-in and marketed from home offices, coffee shops and co-working spaces around the world.

In addition to this, a cyber security company Crowdstrick which is also named as “great place to work” by Fortune, its 400 employees out of 800 work remotely. This a prime example of how modern age and well established companies are welcoming the remote working practices.
How remote jobs are beneficial for employers?
Many (many) people seem to think that ‘working from home’ or the remote working amounts to flutter down on the sofa, watching television or playing video games all day, with maybe an hour or two of ‘work’ thrown in the mix. Good luck finding that gig (lol).
But the truth is that most remote workers tend to put in long and extended hours and take fewer breaks than conventional office employees. With zero commute and fewer distractions — which eventually lead to more focus and productivity, it’s easy to see why. Some of the key benefits of hiring developers for remote jobs are listed below:
- Talent Pool: Hiring remotely always allows employers to choose ‘the best out of the best’. Some businesses or entrepreneurs are able to hire people from anywhere in the world, while others require someone to be in a particular location or time zone. Talent from a different location is always better than local staff. He/she will give new a twist to the workflow.
- Cost-saving: A talented employee who works from home doesn’t require any office space, computing equipment, coffee, and covering of commute. This money can be utilized to boost up the salary which will obviously increase the productivity of every developer.
- Innovative ideas: Remote developers have working experience with various companies around the planet and deal with multiple clients at any one time. This provides them with multitasking exposure, which gives a clear path to new and innovative ideas. Remote developers are more inspired, enthusiastic and motivated about their work and give more input as compared to in-office employees.
- Higher retention: It has been observed that remote workers have a higher job satisfaction ratio and they enjoy a perfect social –work life balance. They have lower down the stress levels and live a healthier lifestyle. This is the reason why work from home (WFM) employees takes leaves less often. It will be really surprising to see after hiring your first remote employee that working with such an employee is quite easy. Moreover, you will certainly feel a sense of efficiency and reliability while getting your work done.
- Increased productivity: It actually sounds weird but yes remote workers are much more productive than in-house developers who regularly work at 9-5.
After continuously observing these groups for a period of 9 months, a study generated the following statistics which were released by the researchers.
- Remote employees worked for more days (less number of sick days and leaves)
- 5% more calls completed by the remote workers
- Less break during the whole work.
- Time zone coverage: Having a developer who works in rotational hours or of different time zone can improve the development process and support team because of instant work.

Various ways where you can hire developers for remote jobs
To begin with, we should discuss a choice between freelance remote developers or a dedicated team of developers. This is a very complex question but it streamlines the process of hiring. Depending upon the size of the project, the budget and the certain skill set is decided. Let us dive deeper into that.
A project can classify into two parameters:
- Small
- Medium / Large
A small sized project required limited freelancers (one or two) to accomplish a small project or a particular task, which also indulges a Project Manager who will look after the code quality, time and proper communication with the team. In the case with larger projects with a need for ongoing support engaging a dedicated remote team is the best solution. Those normally are managed by their own (Project Manager) PM team, so they share additional your time on management tasks and communication efforts. To get more clarification refer this chart:
Freelance Developers | Dedicated Team | |
Project Size | Small | Medium/Large |
Budget | Limited | Modified |
Project Manager Availability | Yes | No |
Skill Requirement | Short Term | Ongoing |
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Now I think you have decided which hiring model suits you well, so the next question arises where to find a developer for remote jobs? There is a huge list of sources where you can hire a developer or team to carry out your project.
- Freelancing Platforms: The freelancing platforms provide a wide range of remote developers. Millions of businesses and job seekers registered themselves on various freelancing portals in order to undertake remote jobs.
- Upwork: This is the well known remote job offering platform. It provides job opportunities for both – an independent freelancer and small startups (Agencies). But it has its own pros and cons. Basically; Upwork works as a mediator between both the parties and charges some money. Some of client experienced that chasing an independent freelancer is a challenging task. They usually go for an agency in order to check these hurdles.
- Freelancer: Another very famous podium where a job seeker can bid on various projects posted by the job provider or “the client”. It is worth mentioning here though its database is low as compared to upwork. But recent times its user suggested that it doesn’t provide quality of the job and secure payments.
- People Per Hour: People Per Hour is another marketplace connecting businesses and freelancers. People Per Hour is a freelance job board where clients post work requirements and freelancers find the jobs. This only for the clients who are interested in hiring developers for only on hourly basis. It doesn’t allow client to hire developers for remote jobs for monthly, yearly or per task. These limitations of People Per Hour drive the client towards other option present in the market.
- Upwork: This is the well known remote job offering platform. It provides job opportunities for both – an independent freelancer and small startups (Agencies). But it has its own pros and cons. Basically; Upwork works as a mediator between both the parties and charges some money. Some of client experienced that chasing an independent freelancer is a challenging task. They usually go for an agency in order to check these hurdles.
- Industrial- specific Forums: In the fasten society and the era of information technology, the majority of the software development solution providers offer quite informative software development blogs either on their websites or on public resources like Medium, Hackernoon, etc. Additionally, you can search the best software service provider on industry define platforms which gives more information about the company and help you get in touch with it.
- Clutch: is a B2B marketing platform empowering premier brands to identify, understand, and motivate their customers. It gives unbiased reviews and ratings to the businesses. More than 7000 IT-field companies registered themselves. The benefit of Clutch is that it only index verified companies and publishes verified clients’ reviews and feedback which helps to make a proper decision.
- GoodFirms: One more in the list of remote hiring platforms. It provides a direct communication of job seekers with thousands of expert professionals within the software development industry all over the world. GoodFirms, just as the name suggests itself, is a dedicated community and contains the list of well-performing IT companies as well as a software solutions provider in the world.
- Clutch: is a B2B marketing platform empowering premier brands to identify, understand, and motivate their customers. It gives unbiased reviews and ratings to the businesses. More than 7000 IT-field companies registered themselves. The benefit of Clutch is that it only index verified companies and publishes verified clients’ reviews and feedback which helps to make a proper decision.
- Direct Hiring: Direct hiring means a situation where a company that intends to hire a candidate offers them the job directly. The direct hiring process doesn’t require any third – party elevation. There are many promotional blogs available in the public domain which gives a simple idea about the benefit of remote hiring. Here are some sources which will help you to find out the best developers for remote jobs.
- Social Media: A very popular and prominent source to find out the remote developers who can work from home or any co-office space. You can easily find them on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. You can visit their websites and can see their previous work experience and discuss them about the same.
- LinkedIn: It is specially designed for corporate. This is a type of social media that promotes talent and company in a very easy and professional manner. The LinkedIn profile shows the employee’s authenticity and works history with the skill and work experience in relevant technology.
Some myths about hiring Developers for Remote Jobs
As remote working and hiring are becoming more and more popular it simultaneously gives birth to the misconception about remote jobs and its working style. Here are some very common myths we heard off:
- They work 24/7: It is a very common myth that the remote worker is always on “ON MODE”. Employees like working remotely because it gives them the freedom and flexibility to make their own work schedule but it doesn’t mean that they are available 24/7 to give services and support.
- Difficult to communicate: Well partially it is true! Because are not available for group meetings and discussion every time but connecting them via video conferencing might be a good option. This will also help both parties to build a virtual relation. Another concern is that they aren’t communicators. But the fact is English is a universal language. Every professional is trained in speaking, writing and understands it very well.
- Less productive: This is a very common misconception that the remote developers are lazy and they do not put much effort into the job. But this is wrong. The remote employees make their own work schedule. A recent study finds that remote employees are much more productive than in-office employees because they use less time to commutate and take shorter breaks. The remaining time is saved for the additional work.

Besides all the challenges here for the company are developing a consistent hiring framework to get the best talent across the world, regardless of location; working on fostering the right culture; making meetings better and focusing on accountability.
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There is not a single reason left for you to limit the talent pool to a particular area. There is a wide range of tools available that assist you in collaborating with your remote workers for better communication. You can take advantage of these kinds of technology and enjoy these advantages of hiring developers for remote jobs.
Why hire offshore developers only from India?
According to Wikipedia, India is the 2nd largest country to provide freelancers. Over15 million people work remotely in IT and programming. India is the biggest market for hiring a developer for remote jobs. The proven record of performing well in the IT industry, Indian companies also open the doors for the world to work with their developers. There is no doubt that Indian developers are highly skilled and par excellent communicators, but they are also available at reasonable rates as compared to others.

India is a land of diversity. Its culture changes from place to place so the workforce too. When it comes to comparison of two IT hubs in India (Bangalore and Indore) Indore seems very reliable. Like if we talk about the work- employee culture Bangloreian IT engineer’s tendency to switch the job in every 7 months (on an average) but IT engineers from Indore stick to the company for long.
EngineerBabu, a 10 years old startup from Indore achieving new heights. All developers of EngineerBabu are pre-scanned and hand-picked. We believe that every company should get benefit from extending the product team remotely and we provide a great opportunity to try scaling remotely with our trial! the remote hiring process now!
Visit our blog for more information and feel free to request a demonstration of our hiring process.
I am very open for any suggestion, questions or feedback write to [email protected]
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