Hiring employees is always a tedious job and when it comes to hiring remote employees it becomes more challenging. A good employee doesn’t make him/her a good remote employee. The term “war of talent” come into existence 10 years ago when the shortage of resources was reason to not fulfill the demands of organizations and even after decades it is still a reality for modern enterprises.
In order to complete the needs, the managers are looking to hire employees from a globally talented pool especially in the IT industry. The IT industry has one of the highest percentages of remote work. It takes the #2 spot at 57% remote, second only to the transportation industry at 61%, and remote IT work just keeps growing. According to Gallup, the IT industry continues to lead other industries in terms of full-time remote positions and top paid remote workers.

So let’s now see how you can be perfect at the art of hiring great remote employees and build a winning remote team.
Few important tips to hire Remote Employees
Right Source: Many candidates are actively looking for better opportunities. The traditional approach of finding jobs over “indeed” or “LinkedIn” is no longer beneficial as the genX knows where to go! IT firms like EngineerBabu provide excellent and scalable solutions and helps to build you a successful remote company.
Recommended Reading: Best ways to hire Developers for Remote Jobs
Remote Friendly Process: The complicated hiring process may lead to misconceptions. So always try to keep the whole hiring process from beginning to end- smooth, hassle-free, and clear to all. You should also make certain that all of the tech equipment he/she’ll need is ready to go before his/her start date, so you can avoid frustration and downtime later.
Ask for Reference Work: That’s the best thing you ask them while taking the interview. Tell him/her to showcase their previous works or any similar work they have done before. Also, put some questions around the used technology, challenges, and their role in the specific project, results, and feedbacks of the clients. This will cut the hesitation between you as well the candidate and you both can communicate more openly.
Hire on Contract: Just be sure that whether the remote employee is beneficial or not! Hire him on a contractual basis. It will help to assess an employee’s technical skills, soft skills, and cultural fit within the organization before committing to a full-time arrangement. Pay him by giving monthly, hourly or daily salary. The payroll can be decided upon the skills and experience of the employee.
Give a Test Project: Well, every employee claims that he is the perfect fit for the job but to be on a safer side you must test him. Initially, begin with him some small projects or particular tasks with a deadline and keenly observe his behavior like whether he is reporting timely or not, regular communication, tech troubles, etc. If the remote employee is not communicating properly, does not ask questions about the project with the team, submitting the task lately (or not at all) it is a sign that he might not be a good match.
Be Clear about the Idea: Once you have done with the selection process the other concern may opt-out by your side. I think a leader should follow “KISS” philosophy: ‘Keep It Simple and Short.’ As a leader, you should be precise and clear about the vision and goals.
Don’t Assume they are 24/7 Available: This is a very common misinterpretation that if someone hires a remote employee they think that ‘now’ he is always available. But NO! He has his work schedule and yes, working hours might be flexible but not every time. Before indulging him in any work ask about his work hours and work schedule.
Decide One Day per Week for Group Meeting: Constantly keep engagement with your team. Give them daily or weekly tasks. Discuss it with every employee, ask to share their thoughts, troubles and appreciate each other for the best work. Fix a day in a week for team communication and gup-shup. This will help the organization to build a remote team and give a real-life feel.
Use Proper Communication Channels: Choosing one platform of all can be a difficult task. Use the best feature of all communication tools available in the market. Like for video conference using Skype, for regular group communication use basecamp (also used by GitLab), track the payroll, attendance, leave and productivity by using greytHR or Keka.
Measure your Success: The last and most essential point is- count your success ratio. Everything is useless if you didn’t succeed! Managing a remote company is an interesting task. When the project is accomplished successfully just go through your checklist. You would be more than happy to see the results.
Why hire Remote Employees from South Asian countries like India?
The talented workforce of South Asian countries is made up of a new generation. If we go through a recent report by LinkedIn showed an increase in the gap between hiring volume and budget — 13% in 2015 compared to 7% in 2014.

Due to digital transformation, the demand for offshore software developers has increased speedily. The globalization has skipped this demand to South Asia, especially in India.
The Indian developers are not only committed to quality but also cost-effective. Outsourcing in India comes with a package of huge benefits:
- Advantage of time zone: The remote employees of India are willing to work in different time zones, thus it gives more flexibility to the employer to connect with them easily.
- Lower cost- More experience: That is a huge benefit! A recent article on IndiaTimes stated that Indian companies started hoarding IT talent to the US and that too at very effective cost. The IT experts in India are most skilled than compared to any other country.
- Talented pool: India is a pool of highly skilled IT people. Not only had the best expertise in technology, but India has also highly qualified remote employees. With the largest workforce, it will not be difficult for you to choose what you are looking for.
- Best communicators: That’s true! Previously India was one of the British colonies, so almost Indian know English which works as a cherry on the cake! Though India is divided into multiple regions everyone uses English to communicate as it is a universal language.
Are you looking for hiring a developer? the process now!
EngineerBabu is an Indore based IT company providing software solutions to the thousands of small and big enterprises for the last decade. “We believe in deeds more than words” that’s what our clients say about us.
Recommended Reading: Why Hire Software Engineers with EngineerBabu?
EngineerBabu is surrounded by top-notch educational institutes like IIT and IIM- Indore. It is also known as Silicon Valley of central India with less traffic and the cleanest city of India 3rd time in a row! If you are seeking a remote developer in India, EngineerBabu will provide the best solution. All the developers of EngineerBabu are tech-a-holic but not geeky!
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